
Please Consider Making A Tax-Deductible Donation to Wings of the Dawn

Wings of the Dawn is a non-profit located in Henniker, NH.

The amazing staff at Wings is an all volunteer staff who are dedicated to the care of birds and small mammals.


The animals under the care of Maria Colby and Wings of the Dawn include bats, hawks, owls, opposums, turkeys, songbirds and other birds and small mammals.  Maria and her team of volunteers care for around 500 birds and 300 mammals annually!

Please contribute if you are able.  There is no donation too small and any amount will help to make an impact on the rescue, care and rehabilitation of these birds and small mammals.  THANK YOU!

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. "

Please use the secure button below to make your donation.

Thank you!



We are a charity focused on the rescue and rehabilitation of birds and small animals. We strive to release every injured or lost creature that we take. We could not do this important work without the support of the public and the community.